2022  HUOBI Web3 Hackathon Second Prize

WEB3  Design WEB APP Producr Design VI Design
Prestare offers Greatest Yields in DeFi with 1-click A Flash LoanTool


20 weeks
Mar.22 ---- Jun.23

My Role

UX Designer
Product Designer


1 Product Manager
1 Engineering Manager
3 Developers
1 Designer


Interaction Design
Visual Design
Design Systems


PRESTARE is a Flashloan TOOL allows users to make under-collateralized loans with almost any asset, using on-chain information only.


The flash loan feature provides users with the ability to borrow assets under-collateralized for a short period, typically one transaction block, enabling the execution of swift arbitrage, swapping, and leveraging strategies without the need for upfront capital.


The homepage of PRESTARE serves as the gateway to its decentralized financial services, offering users a clean and intuitive overview of the latest market trends, flash loan opportunities, and their current staking statuses, all streamlined for quick access and navigation


PRESTARE's market section displays a real-time dashboard of available assets, interest rates, and liquidity pools, allowing users to make informed decisions on borrowing, lending, or investing across various cryptocurrency markets.


How can we increase trust in users' flash loans ?

Risk Management: The risks associated with under-collateralization and loan defaults can be a concern for users, affecting trust in the platform. Users may not understand how their actions affect their credit score, or they may not trust the system if it's not transparent.

Complexity for Users: DeFi platforms can be complex and intimidating for users, especially those who are not familiar with the blockchain and cryptocurrency terms.Solution: Simplify the user interface and provide guided onboarding with tooltips and tutorials. Use plain language to explain the terms and processes involved.

Over-Collateralization: Users might find over-collateralization to be capital-inefficient and may not understand the reasons behind it.

Solution: Educate users on the benefits of over-collateralization for platform security and offer graduated loan privileges based on user credit history or loyalty.

Credit Token (CRT) Utility: Users may not fully grasp how the credit tokens work or their benefits, which can affect their engagement with the platform.

Solution: Create a clear and concise explanation of CRTs, perhaps with visual aids or interactive elements, to demonstrate their use and benefits within the platform.

Competitive Analysis



Design System


1. CRT Credit Token System

The risks associated with under-collateralization and loan defaults can be a concern for users, affecting trust in the platform.Users may not understand how their actions affect their credit score, or they may not trust the system if it's not transparent.

a transparent and fair credit scoring system with clear metrics. Provide users with a dashboard where they can track their credit score changes and the factors affecting it.

Users with the higher credit score are entitled to the higher utility value of CRT. PRESTARE use a credit scoring system that uses a Soul-Bound Token (a non-transferable NFT) to represent an individual's credit score. This score is determined by factors such as interest payment history, default events, and past interactions with other protocols. Higher credit scores grant users access to greater utility value of the Credit Token (CRT) and influence the collateral ratio, with levels ranging from 1 to 3.

Credit Levels


Personal Page

Visualization of borrowing rule


Data Visualization

90% of information that comes to the brain is visual
If the text has no pictures, a person will ingest 70% of information. If there are images, this figure will be 95%
People remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of what they see
50% of brainneurons participate in processing of visual information




1. close section notification


Undifferentiated design with transparent bottom, easy for users to operate incorrectly


Changing from transparent bottom section to dark bottom color pop-up window increases the importance of hierarchical operation and increases user awareness.

2. chart style adaptation


The first light theme chart was designed to match the aesthetics of the app.
While communicating with the front end development engineer, I was informed that implementing this design wasn't possible within the launch deadline due to technical constraints.


The current library is optimized for a dark theme and may not support the color schemes required for the light theme without extensive customization.So we opt for the already existed dark theme chart for the launch of the MVP product. But set the agenda to adapt to the light theme chart in future iterations.


Working Cross-Functionally

My time at introduced me to cross-functional collaboration with PMs and SWEs, providing insights into both my role as a Product Designer and the challenges faced by my colleagues.

Initially, my designs posed complexity issues for developers, but through teamwork, I gained a deeper understanding of design feasibility. This experience at honed my ability to create user-centric, technically feasible products.

From Ideas to Live Features

Prior to this, my design experience was primarily limited to personal and school projects, often left unfulfilled. At PRESTARE, I witnessed my designs come to fruition.

As a Product Designer, I was able to see our product gain funding and undergo beta testing; seeing my designs interact with real users. Simple wireframes evolved into live user interfaces.